Thursday, November 29, 2012

Children's Book Illustration Show, Plus November Reading

So this time of year, I eat, sleep, and breathe children's book illustration. "Why..." you may ask? It's because Chemers Gallery (where I work) puts on an annual children's book illustration show, featuring the original artwork from 5 different illustrators. (This year we're featuring Boris Kulikov, E.B. Lewis, Sylvia Long, Chris Sheban, and Matt Tavares. All so so talented!!) Plus we sell the books the illustrations are from, which is a huge undertaking. It's a ton of work, but we all love it. Especially me.

Artwork hung, books received
Layout - we're pretty technical, you know

Pre-sold books. We sold probably over 600 books. They will all be signed before 1pm on Saturday. OMG!

This year we've made it a family affair - all hands are on deck to help us, including James, who helped to hang the show. (Woot woot!)

James hard at work on the stairs
The illustrators all arrive tomorrow. Then the show kicks off Saturday from 1-5, although we'll all be hard at work from 9am. It's the biggest show of the year, and I'm so excited!

Speaking of books, here's what I've been reading this month, besides children's literature...

Plus I also read "The Girl Who Came Home," but I can't find a picture of the cover. And it's late and I'm tired and I have 2 long days ahead of me. See you on the other side.

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