Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Time for Catching Up: This & That

My joys are simple right now.

Delicious Breakfast

New Bunting from Target

Delicious dessert at a lovely bridal shower

The garden is looking particularly lovely

Our table of donated/gifted plants overfloweth


Succulents aplenty
 If only the birds in our garden would sit still long enough to be photographed.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April Reading

I don't usually read Nicholas Sparks. There's just something I find inherrently icky about the thought of reading his novels. But I wanted to read The Lucky One. It was a quick read, simple to follow, fairly predictable. Good for something to zone out to. 

But The Night Circus....WOW. I'm still reading it, and I want to step inside this book and visit the night circus. I am loving this novel! What an amazing debut, I can't wait to see what the author does next.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Time for Catching Up: Beautiful Walks

The view from Holy Sepulcher Cemetery
 I know it's kind of weird, but James and I drive past Holy Sepulcher Cemetery occasionally, and we always remark how it looks really beautiful and peaceful. So, the other weekend, we just pulled in and went for a quiet, respectful walk.

Holy Sepulcher Cemetery
 The last time I was there was when a friend's father passed away in the 8th grade. I don't remember a whole lot other than the awful, sad feelings that funerals are associated with.  This particular visit was very peaceful. There were families having picnics with their loved ones, people tending to the flowers on the graves, and all sorts of tokens left all over. Bird feeders in the trees. Balloons everywhere. It was a nice atmosphere, surprising for a cemetery.

Peters Canyon
On another day, we went for a more normal walk at Peters Canyon.

Peters Canyon

Peters Canyon & James
 I promise we're not a weird couple that hangs out at cemeteries.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Time for Catching Up: Easter Week

As it always happens, this is a very busy time of year for me. We have an annual show at the gallery that I usually try to put a piece or two into, it's Easter week and therefore choir-heavy, and the weather just feels so nice that I feel compelled to get the house in order and spend some time just sitting outside looking at the birds. Last year I learned the Faure Requiem by heart, decided not to enter the exhibition at the gallery, and flew off to my sister-in-law's wedding in London the day after the exhibition opened. This year has been equally busy and will, I'm sure, have many more surprises in store.

Palm Sunday morning
Our choir concert was Palm Sunday evening. It was a lot of work, but we had a great time with all the gospel and spiritual music, mixed with Easter songs. The men in the choir sang a fantastic acapella piece called "I Know I Been Changed." I snapped a photo of then during the warm up rehearsal.

Gospel Dudes, Choir Concert
Easter morning was filled with lilies, brass, handbells, singing...
Easter Morning with an Organist
...and animals! The announcement was made early in the day that there would be a petting zoo following the service, and it was all I could do to not leap up and yell "REALLY??!?" I was so excited I could barely stand it. And then, after church...
LOOK! This guy was just as excited as I was...
 ...ANIMALS!! Whoever thought up having a petting zoo with goats, chickens, rabbits, and a tiny baby pig at church is clearly a genius.

A plethora of chickens, rabbits and goats
Easter Chickens
James got way into the spirit of things and got right in the little pen. The only reason I didn't is that I was slightly worried about stepping in poo in my nice heels. James, obviously, wasn't as concerned.

James made a new friend
Easter lunch was at my parent's house, and rather than traditional lilies, my mom gave me a gorgeous bouquet of daffodils. They were beautiful, and made our kitchen table very cheery for several days.
Easter Daffodils from my Mummy
Not pictured are the seemingly endless pieces of music to learn, the delicious roast chicken my mom cooked, the even more delicious deviled eggs she made (of which I ate probably 3 people's share of), and the kind of weird bear- and rabbit-faced eggs I made with my Japanese hard-boiled egg molds. If you don't have some, you seriously should, because they are ridiculous and sometimes it just feels good to make something that looks ridiculous to eat.