Thursday, December 31, 2015

Year End Roundup (whoops...)

So, 2015 is drawing to a close. This is the year I've been terribly neglectful of this blog. (Sorry, my little blog...) I'll be honest, I often wonder if what I write ever reaches anyone, or if I even want it to reach anyone. I do know that it reaches my sister-in-law and her friend Lou (Hi, Lou! Thanks for reading!), and that makes me happy. This is all just my random thoughts and pictures, and if other people enjoy what goes on in my weird little mind, I am honored.

So, because I'm not sure how else to wrap the year up, let's have a little roundup of the haps around here since July. (Whaaaaaat??)

Mumford and Sons

In August, James and I went to see Mumford and Sons at the Forum in Los Angeles. We saw them a couple of years ago at an outdoor venue and let me tell you, it was EXACTLY what we needed to hear at that time in our lives. That experience reminded me of what music can do to your life, and I couldn't wait to relive the moments by seeing the band again. It didn't disappoint, the concert was amazing and I didn't want it to end. (The image above is my screensaver on my phone, so I can look at it every day.) I'm not as into Wilder Mind as I'd like to be, and I missed some of the songs from Sigh No More that they played last time, but hey, artists gonna be artists, man. Big love, bro. (haha)


The day we saw Mumford and Sons was also the day that James lost his childhood cat, Nona, a truly sweet feline soul that will be missed always. I have mourned our cat losses deeply, and although I feel a little silly, I'm sure any of you who have pets can relate - they become a part of your family and once gone, you miss them and your family is never quite the same. I knew the last time I was in England that that was the last time I would see Nona, but it hurt just the same. My college years are filled with memories of hanging out in James's room, lit with candles, eating dinner, drinking wine, and Nona curled up on his futon bed, purring and stamping and dribbling (a sort of unfortunate happy habit she had). I also remember a rather unfortunate incident involving a candle and Nona's fluffy tail...

Downton Abbey. The closest we could get to it that day as the grounds were closed to the public.

In late September, James and I paid a quick visit to family in England for a cousin's wedding. (The wedding venue happened to be quite close to Highclere Castle aka Downton Abbey, and we managed to snag a quick visit to the grounds. However, they were triumphantly closed to the public that day, but the nice men working there let us walk as far as the public footpath, snap a quick photo of the top of the house, and turn around and walk right out again.) Visits are never long enough, and we can never spend quite as much time with all of the friends and family we have over there. It's a nice dilemma to have, except it leaves us feeling tremendously guilty that we're not seeing everyone or spending enough time with everyone - not exactly what you want on a vacation! We spent our first few days around Baisingstoke, landing on Friday night and attending the wedding the following day. It all felt slightly surreal, which, if you've ever experienced jet lag, you'll totally get. We ran around like crazy in London the following week and a half, trying to see as many people as possible. These trips are always fraught with many tears from me, because I miss everyone and everything so terribly.

LOOK. I'm really in London. NOT crying.

As soon as we returned to California, preparations were under way for craft shows! James was going to sell his cards at a local Saturday boutique, and I was accepted into Jackalope Art Fair, a juried 2-day art fair in Pasadena. The dates just happened to fall on the same day and were in two different cities. Plus, the second day of Jackalope was on our 7 year wedding anniversary. So we celebrated a little differently this year, but hey, that's what you do when you're a creative couple! We still had time for a few cuddles.

7 Year Anniversary at Jackalope Art Faire

In between everything, my dad participated in a woodworking show and was awarded 2nd place for his entry. (Yay!!) Also, my grandmother turned 90 and she, my mom and I went to see The Sound of Music in Los Angeles.

My dad's awesome carving. We are a creative family. BOOM.

Selfie with Grandma

And then...full steam ahead into the holiday season! I am quite adamantly NOT creating anything new and really putting everything on the back burner. I've joined the Academy of Handmade Artists and Supporters, and I feel terrible that my application acceptance has coincided with this massive burnout I'm feeling, but I'm confident that I'll regain artistic steam in the new year.

And at this point I have no more pictures to share with you. (Sorry.) But, that will all change in 2016. The times, they are (hopefully) a-changing.

Misc Notes:

Also, at some point we went to see Run River North at the Barclay Theater in Irvine, although I honestly can't remember when that was. I do remember it was the last night we sat out on the patio before it got a little too chilly to do that, and we ended up drinking wine and beer on the patio until about 1am, a rarity for us in our dotage!

Also, my friend Kathy in Australia, diagnosed with Stage IV Melanoma (NOT good) has been on these experimental treatments and has experienced what I think is no less than an absolute miracle - she's now without any sign of illness!! Hooray x 1,000,000,000,000!!!!!!!!!

On that note, I wish everyone a happy, healthy and peaceful new year! May you all experience your own miracles, whatever they may be.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

What "Catching Up" means to me

Blog, I've been neglecting you. I've been too busy doing other stuff, like catching up on Grey's Anatomy. And by "catching up," I mean "watching the entire thing from the beginning." (I'm like, 60 episodes in. Roku was both the best and worst thing to ever happen in my life.)

I've also been doing stuff like going to concerts. You know, stuff that other, normal people would find fun.

Yeah, that's right, Lana Del Rey AND Courtney Love at the Hollywood Bowl. It was either going to be amazing or a train wreck. (It was AMAZING!!)
Courtney Love - YEESSS!!
Hollywood Bowl

What was particularly disturbing were all the kids (cause I'm old now) who had no clue who Courtney Love is. I overheard the following conversation:
#1: Who's Courtney Love?
#2: I dunno...(looks it up on iPhone) Oh, it says she was married to that Kurt Cobain guy? Dude, she's like 60!
*smacks forehead*

I also managed to pull off what was one of the best birthday surprises, in my humble opinion, and I took James to see U2 at the Forum. (Also AMAZING!!)

We can't wait for U2!
"The Miracle of Joey Ramone"
Lighters are not held up any longer, now it's the flashlight attached to our phones
And then I did Patchwork in Long Beach, which was amazing!! And I don't think I really have any pictures to show you. But I met a lovely girl called Nora Graseck who took some beautiful product shots that she's kindly shared with me. If you get a moment, go like her on Facebook!

Lace Necklaces, photo by Nora Graseck
And then last week James and I took a few days off to go to Sequoia National Park. It was a fantastic few days, which I promise to tell you more about next time. For now, I'll leave you with this photo so you can see the scale of those amazing trees. I have to get back to Grey's Anatomy. Wednesdays are my binge days...

Wow, check out those trees!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Save the's that time again!!

I'm so thrilled and excited to be participating in Patchwork Show Long Beach again!! 
Be sure to mark your calendars and save the date!

June 7, 2015
11a - 5p
Mother's Beach - Appain Way at E. Sorrento Dr.
Long Beach, Calif.

This will be my third time vending at Patchwork, and my second time at the Long Beach show. These events have grown and grown and grown into a really amazing, unique experience, and I'm so happy to be a part of it! From very humble beginnings in a parking lot in Santa Ana, Patchwork now hosts over 150 local artists, crafters, designers and food artisans. We all have to be juried in to the show, and the organizers do a fantastic job of curating a widely varied event. This is the place for all things handmade, from jewelry (like mine!) to succulent container gardens to handmade soaps to fashions for all ages, and so so SO much more!

So come out and support us local artists and artisans for any of the show dates listed above - if you want to stop by and say hello, come to Long Beach on June 7th! I'll be at the booth for Sweetpea Studios - see you there!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happy New Year!'s February??'s been a long time since I last posted. Bad Jenn. I'll try to catch you up a bit.

First and foremost, I participated in Patchwork Show Santa Ana in late November. (Huzzah!) And got rained on. For this southern California girl, what are the chances??

James, myself, and Carly, not letting the rain get us down!
Yeah, it's definitely raining now.
Carly and James with my booth pre-waterlogging.
Shame on me, I never once thought about the fact that it gets dark earlier in late November. These shows are a definite learning curve for me! Next time, I will channel my inner Girl Scout and BE PREPARED! (Note to self: chalk signs do not weather the weather very well.)

James and Carly were absolute troopers and did whatever they could think of to help me out - they are two of the best people ever! Plus, my fantastic friends and family all came out to support my chilly, soggy bum, which I appreciate SO SO SO MUCH!!

Our Christmas tree, mid-decorating

James and I had a few days off together at Christmas, and we did pretty much nothing. We slept in, went to LACMA, had an old friend over for dinner, watched a lot of TV and movies.

James the Artist

It was right around this time that my phone spontaneously decided to delete nearly ALL OF MY PICTURES. (Thanks, Phone. I'm now looking for a replacement.)

And then James got the flu.

And then I got the flu. 

The flu. It sucked.

We spent last weekend in San Diego, spending several hours on Sunday in the zoo feeding the giraffes and watching grizzly bears chase each other, and then several  hours in the San Diego Museum of Art looking at the Gaugin to Warhol exhibit that was closing this past week.

They were AMAZING
San Diego Museum of Art. Hashtag No Filter

Not pictured: The turquoise china cabinet we've installed to house my grandmother's china. James's "tea time" using the proper tea cups and saucers from my grandmother's china set. The evening we decided to move our giant bookcase. The turquoise armchair we stuffed into the front seat of my Ford Focus (upside down and sideways with James riding in the backseat holding the chair back so I could attempt to see to drive) that now sits where our giant bookcase used to be. It's been an interesting start to the year.