Saturday, July 14, 2012

July Reading

I read this and laughed until I cried. Several times. I had to put it away on the airplane because I was afraid of being "that lunatic who won't stop laughing."

I don't usually read Jodi Picoult or Anita Shreve. In fact, I often mix them up. It's probably because the covers of the books look so similar. But lately, I've been in the mood for "aga sagas," so what the heck. I'll probably move on to Nicholas Sparks next.

My favorite this month has been "Let's Pretend This Never Happened," written by blogger Jenny Lawson. She is hysterical, but sadly, James doesn't share my appreciation. He just doesn't see the humor in buying a giant metal chicken, naming it Beyonce, and then having it ding-dong-ditch your husband. Or the humor in smuggling a stuffed aligator dressed like a French pirate on an airplane and making it talk to your fellow passengers.

The best thing about this book is that once you finish it, it doesn't have to end, because Jenny Lawson is "The Bloggess" and writes her hilarious blog nearly daily. Now, thanks to her, I want to rent a sloth for an afternoon.


  1. I envy your ability to read. I love literature but I'm so unproductive when it comes to actually making my way through them. I think I'm just an incredibly slow reader!

    1. Sara, maybe I'm just a freakishly fast reader! I'm glad you love literature! :)
