Thursday, May 31, 2012

May Reading, Part II

I gave up on my Titanic book. (I know myself so well.) Then I picked up Sister, and I tore through it. Written as a letter from a big sister to a little sister who has gone missing, the story takes place in London and had all these little details that brought the city to life for me. As a fake Londoner, I really appreciated being reminded of all the tagging done in Hoxton, how big and grand the homes and gardens of Richmond are, and how nasty the public loos in the parks are and why you should NEVER GO NEAR THEM AT NIGHT. I found I could really picture London through the author's words, and that made me happy. If you read this, be ready for a twist at the end that leaves you questioning all of your previous thoughts and insights, and leaves you wondering what the real ending of the book is. Excellent read.

*James kept singing the theme tune to that aweful sitcom "Sister, Sister" when he saw me with this book. Quite incongruous.

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