Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Cutest Eggs You've Ever Seen

I was all set to tell you about my day in LA but I got sidetracked quite quickly by cute Japanese animal eggs. Seriously. I went to San Francisco last year and one of the first stops was to the Ichiban Kan market in Little Tokyo. I fell in love with these little animal egg shapers, but decided not to buy them. Big mistake. I've been wanting them ever since. So last week while in LA, I found a small Japanese dollar-type store and decided that they HAD to have the egg things. And guess what....

Animal Eggs!
Bunny and Bear
 ....they did!! (They also had lime green bunny chopsticks which I absolutely HAD to have. They seriously make meals taste better.)

You have to hard-boil your eggs and peel them while they're still hot. Then they go in the molds and get stuck in ice water for 10 minutes.
Bunny & Bear Eggs
I don't know if my eggs were too small or if the bear is just a little too large or if I just haven't gotten the technique down, but the bear eggs turned out mostly without ears.

The cutest egg you've even seen
The bunny eggs turned out a little better than the bear eggs.

Eaten egg with tomato salad and risotto
 Even my vegan friend ate one. They're just way too awesome.

Cupcakes, pre-eating
Oh, and I also made some kick-ass cupcakes this weekend. They have cream cheese frosting and pink sprinkles. P.S. They're almost all gone.

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