Sunday, May 26, 2013

New Jewelry Designs, Oh My!

There's an antique place I love to visit for one vendor only, and this vendor has not one, not two, but THREE boxes filled to the brim with old photographs. This vendor is smart, because there is even a folding chair provided so people can sit and sift through the images. I always come out with about 6 - 10 photos, and I always vow to do something with them, but I just don't have the heart to cut them up. So I've started scanning and printing them, and then I started to make jewelry with them.

In process

Explore photo collage necklace
Tell Him photo collage necklace

Adore photo collage necklace
I'm using decorative papers, digital reproductions of vintage photographs, tea-stained text, glitter, beads - you name it. After a few failed attempts, I'm really happy with the results. (You can see all of the jewelry I've been making HERE on my Etsy shop.)

I've also made a Facebook page for my Etsy shop, so don't be shy - Like Me On Facebook! Let's be friends!

Friday, May 17, 2013

What's the Best Thing That's Ever Happened?

Have you ever wondered what vertigo feels like? I can't say that I have, but I can now tell you from experience that it's not really fun. It feels like the room is spinning and you can't focus on anything, and sometimes it feels like you're going to throw up and you're exhausted because you've been trying desperately to keep your balance and not fall over or fall off your chair. If you have it really badly, you will throw up. A lot, apparently. (Thankfully I haven't experienced the joy of severe vertigo. Yay for my inner ears!)

So, that's been exciting, as have the "excersises" my doctor gave me to help my inner ears regain their equilibrium. But here's what else that's been excitng around here:

James had a birthday!! I found him a really yummy Oreo birthday cake and almost set it on fire with Happy Birthday candles.

Birthday boy

James wanted to see the Endeavour space shuttle at the science museum for his b-day.

Endeavour was awesome.

Would you like to buy an Endeavour shuttle of your very own? It will only cost you about $2 billion. Meer pocket change!

Many photographs were taken

It was amazing to think that we were looking at something that had been to space and back.
 And then the next weekend...

My lovely/crazy friend made James masks
This is the best thing that's ever happened.

Wait....maybe this is the best thing that's ever happened.
 Also, remember that exhibition I was sort of begging you to attend?

I won an honorable mention for my photograph!

No, the photo is not upside down.
 It's been a busy couple of weeks over here! What have you been up to?