Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happy New Year!'s February??'s been a long time since I last posted. Bad Jenn. I'll try to catch you up a bit.

First and foremost, I participated in Patchwork Show Santa Ana in late November. (Huzzah!) And got rained on. For this southern California girl, what are the chances??

James, myself, and Carly, not letting the rain get us down!
Yeah, it's definitely raining now.
Carly and James with my booth pre-waterlogging.
Shame on me, I never once thought about the fact that it gets dark earlier in late November. These shows are a definite learning curve for me! Next time, I will channel my inner Girl Scout and BE PREPARED! (Note to self: chalk signs do not weather the weather very well.)

James and Carly were absolute troopers and did whatever they could think of to help me out - they are two of the best people ever! Plus, my fantastic friends and family all came out to support my chilly, soggy bum, which I appreciate SO SO SO MUCH!!

Our Christmas tree, mid-decorating

James and I had a few days off together at Christmas, and we did pretty much nothing. We slept in, went to LACMA, had an old friend over for dinner, watched a lot of TV and movies.

James the Artist

It was right around this time that my phone spontaneously decided to delete nearly ALL OF MY PICTURES. (Thanks, Phone. I'm now looking for a replacement.)

And then James got the flu.

And then I got the flu. 

The flu. It sucked.

We spent last weekend in San Diego, spending several hours on Sunday in the zoo feeding the giraffes and watching grizzly bears chase each other, and then several  hours in the San Diego Museum of Art looking at the Gaugin to Warhol exhibit that was closing this past week.

They were AMAZING
San Diego Museum of Art. Hashtag No Filter

Not pictured: The turquoise china cabinet we've installed to house my grandmother's china. James's "tea time" using the proper tea cups and saucers from my grandmother's china set. The evening we decided to move our giant bookcase. The turquoise armchair we stuffed into the front seat of my Ford Focus (upside down and sideways with James riding in the backseat holding the chair back so I could attempt to see to drive) that now sits where our giant bookcase used to be. It's been an interesting start to the year.