Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Patchwork Sneak Peek

Do you know what this weekend is?? 
That's right, it's...PATCHWORK SANTA ANA!!! 
(And also Thanksgiving.)

Come and visit! I'm Booth Y and will be in the Artist's District of Santa Ana Sunday, Nov 30 from 11a - 5p!
Our apartment has been a hive of activity the last several weeks. Currently, there are plastic tubs of equipment, plastic bags of candy canes and holiday cards, books, magazines, jewelry supplies, finished jewelry and even a box containing a piece of furniture waiting to be built  ALL OVER THE PLACE. I don't think we've eaten at the kitchen table since early October. But, that's all about to change, my friends!

I've got a little sneak peek of my newest pieces for you...wanna see?

Lace Collar Statement Necklaces in navy and plum - $150

Sweetheart Necklaces, inspired by sweater clips and perfect for holidays & special occasions - $35

Dangle Earrings, pair with Sweetheart Necklaces or wear alone - $28

Men's Cufflinks!! - $25

Holiday Ornaments made from vintage photos, decorative papers and old cigar labels - $18 - $20
Of course, there will also be necklaces, earrings, pins and rings made from vintage photographs and LACE galore!

Stop by my table (Sweetpea Studios, Booth Y) and say hello! Just look for this person:
Sweetpea Studios

Patchwork Show
Downtown Santa Ana, 2nd at Sycamore Street
Sunday, November 30
11a - 5p
FREE to attend!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Forget the Holidays are Coming, the Holidays are HERE!!

Why, hello there! I've been away on a little break (more about that later...) and now I'm back and -BOOM- the holidays are here. So this is your friendly public service announcement regarding custom order and shipping deadlines from

United States
Please place all CUSTOM orders by  
DEC 8th
Final shipping date is DEC 15th

Please message me privately for CUSTOM orders (
Final shipping date is NOV 15th

(This small child in the picture is not me, just in case you were wondering. I wasn't even a twinkle on the tree when this was taken!)

Don't forget, all you southern California peeps, I'll be showing at Patchwork Show Santa Ana on Sunday, November 30th from 11a - 5p! Mark your calendars now, and stop by and say hello!